
Experienced web developer and graphic designer. Former consultant for Suffusion theme and former moderator on Suffusion Support forum. I teach others while learning myself.

Adding jQuery plugins in Suffusion

Adding jQuery plugins in Suffusion

In this article I will try to show you the basic directions for inserting jQuery codes in Suffusion. The principles are the same for any javascript plugin, but bear in mind that it is not a straight way for getting these plugins to works. Those plugins wasn’t created specifically for WordPress, sometimes they are conflicting with WordPress or theme or other plugins javascript’s.

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Change header as scrolling the page

Change header as scrolling the page

An easy to understand article about how to use jQuery and CSS for obtaining a header which change it’s look when the visitor scroll down on the page. The header shrink to make room for only the navigation bar, which bar will contain a smaller version of logo. Pretty much as you seen on Facebook, and now on Drafie’s Design too.

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Changing Suffusion for WordPress 3.6.

Changing Suffusion for WordPress 3.6.

If you upgrade WordPress to version 3.6. will notice that Suffusion cannot save anymore the changes in options. This is because the new version of jQuery UI used in this update (1.10.3) don’t have anymore the “select” method for tabs, and this method was used in backend of Suffusion for Save/Reset button tabs.

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